Audits and certifications
- Inspection and certification of the declaration of completeness as per Section 11 of the German Packaging Act (VerpackG)
- Packaging Weighing and issuing of weighing certificates
- Audit and documentation of mass flow verifications as per Section 17 of VerpackG
- Worldwide certifications for recycling plants according to the EuCertPlast Scheme and VerpackG as well as since 2022 according to RecyClass Recyling Process and Recycled Plastic
- Assessment of the RAL UZ 30a basic award criteria requirements for applications for the "Blue Angel" eco-label
- Documentation and confirmation of the separate collection quota according to the Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAbfV)
- System compatibility assessments for filling materials packaging that contain residues of hazardous substances for participation in dual systems
- Analysis of the recyclability of packaging in consideration of the requirements of the Central Agency Packaging Register (ZSVR) and/or the methodology of RecyClass
- Sorting analyses for private and municipal waste disposal companies, producers, system operators, dealers as well as planning and supervisory authorities
- Delimitation of packaging regarding packaging type, material type and/or sources of waste generation
- Evaluation of innovative material types, such as biodegradable plastics
- Information on Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAbfV), WEEE (ElektroG) and Battery Act (BattG)
Training courses and workshops for associations and companies
- for producers of consumer goods, packaging and industrial enterprises
- for waste disposal companies and recyclers
- for auditors of the declaration of completeness
- for system operators
- for institutions, universities, schools, research institutions
Participation in research projects and funding programs
2017 - 2021 Participation in MyPack project - a project funded by the EU Commission as part of the Horizon 2020 program (
- 18 participants from companies, universities and institutions from six EU countries
- The aim of the project is to develop innovative packaging to reduce food and packaging waste, as far as possible on the basis of biodegradable or biobased plastics
My part in the project is the end-of-life consideration of the packaging developments.